in 6 axes
A program at the service of the energy transition
A first analysis in the South West of France and the North of Spain shows emissions of more than 15 million of tons of CO2 spread on the Bordeaux-Toulouse-Saragosse-Bilbao area. Contacts are ongoing to identify the first industries to connect to the hub of capture, transport, valorization and storage. Those first contacts represent between 1 to 3 million of tons of CO2 produced per year, which will be at the basis of the creation of the hub of capture, transport, valorization and storage.

A program at the service of the energy transition
A first analysis in the South West of France and the North of Spain shows emissions of more than 15 million of tons of CO2 spread on the Bordeaux-Toulouse-Saragosse-Bilbao area. Contacts are ongoing to identify the first industries to connect to the hub of capture, transport, valorization and storage. Those first contacts represent between 1 to 3 million of tons of CO2 produced per year, which will be at the basis of the creation of the hub of capture, transport, valorization and storage.

A detailed study of the logistic aspects
The relative dispersal of the emitters on the territory, leads to the study of the transport conditions of the CO2 toward the basin of Lacq and the potential storages, in relation with the existing installations of gas transport, and those to come of Hydrogen.

A detailed study of the logistic aspects
The relative dispersal of the emitters on the territory, leads to the study of the transport conditions of the CO2 toward the basin of Lacq and the potential storages, in relation with the existing installations of gas transport, and those to come of Hydrogen.
The possibility to use the industrial basin of Lacq
The development of solutions of CO2 valorization is possible thanks to the developing hydrogen sector.
If ad hoc solutions of valorization exist near the emitters, most of the valorization solutions will be developed in a collective industrial context only.
Among them, two solutions are to be preferred. It is possible to use:
- fatal oxygen from the hydrogen production by electrolysis of the water to facilitate the CO2 capture by oxy-combustion,
- the combination of CO2 and H2 to produce methane or methanol.

The possibility to use the industrial basin of Lacq
The development of solutions of CO2 valorization is possible thanks to the developing hydrogen sector.
If ad hoc solutions of valorization exist near the emitters, most of the valorization solutions will be developed in a collective industrial context only.
Among them, two solutions are to be preferred. It is possible to use:
- fatal oxygen from the hydrogen production by electrolysis of the water to facilitate the CO2 capture by oxy-combustion,
- the combination of CO2 and H2 to produce methane or methanol.

Sustainable and secure capacities of subsurface storage
and local skills in geosciences
Between 2010 and 2013, the experimentation of Rousse led by TOTAL and Air Liquide enabled to demonstrate the feasibility to store, in a secure and sustainable way, 50kT of CO2 in a gas field. Moreover, the territory has a unique concentration in France of skills in geosciences, gathered within AVENIA.

Sustainable and secure capacities of subsurface storage
and local skills in geosciences
Between 2010 and 2013, the experimentation of Rousse led by TOTAL and Air Liquide enabled to demonstrate the feasibility to store, in a secure and sustainable way, 50kT of CO2 in a gas field. Moreover, the territory has a unique concentration in France of skills in geosciences, gathered within AVENIA.
A co-construction with all the stakeholders of the territory
If the global objective of decarbonation is clear, the program’s modalities are to be built together with all the stakeholders of the territory. An approach of social appropriation has been deployed since the beginning of 2022.

A co-construction with all the stakeholders of the territory
If the global objective of decarbonation is clear, the program’s modalities are to be built together with all the stakeholders of the territory. An approach of social appropriation has been deployed since the beginning of 2022.

A partnership-based governance
The challenge is to create a mutualized territorial service, which creates the maximum of value on the territory. To do so, there is an ongoing study on a partnership-based governance, which associates the operators of valorization and storage, the operators of transport, the emitters and the territorial collectivities. All these stakeholders can manage jointly this chemical and industrial basin and the storage reservoirs in the subsurface.

A partnership-based governance
The challenge is to create a mutualized territorial service, which creates the maximum of value on the territory. To do so, there is an ongoing study on a partnership-based governance, which associates the operators of valorization and storage, the operators of transport, the emitters and the territorial collectivities. All these stakeholders can manage jointly this chemical and industrial basin and the storage reservoirs in the subsurface.